[Syco] Functions
This is the list of the current Syco functions.
Every new or updated function will be posted here.Functions
Hello Syco starts conversations with names, feelings, news and much more
- "hi"
- "hey"
- "hello"
- "sers"
- "good morning"
- "good day"
- "good evening"
- "good afternoon"
- "good night"
- "good midnight"
Current Time A simple time function
- "current time"
- "how late is it"
- "time"
- "what time is it"
- "say the time"
Current Date A simple date function
- "which day do we have"
- "date"
- "say the current date"
TimeZone Syco tells your timezone
- "timezone"
Day of Week Syco tells the day of the week
- "calendar week"
- "which calendar week do we have"
World news Syco will read the world news
- "the latest news"
- "latest news"
- "what happens on the world"
"current topics"
Online Search Syco performs a online serach via google
- "search for"
- "google"
- "find MyTechZone"
Calculate Syco calculates simple math up to linear calculations
- "calculate"
- "calculate (2+2) * 5^3"
- "what is the result of"
Persons Ask Syco for any Persons
- "who is"
- "who is Angela Merkel"
- "the man/woman is called"
- "do you know"
Define Syco explains a topic
- "what is"
- "what's"
- "what means jellybean"
- "explain me"
Translate Translate a sentence from any language to any language
- "Translate"
- "Translate my text from english to german"
Yes or No Syco helps you with random desitions
- "yes or no"
Weather Syco tells you the weather of any city
- "weather in"
- "weather in New York"
- "weather in Heidelberg Germany"
IP-Adress Syco tells you something about your or an specific ip
- "lookup/check my ip"
- "lookup/check ip"
Parents of Syco knows the parents of famouse people
- "parents of"
- "parents of Bill Gates"
Discovered by Syco knows who discovered something
- "who discovered"
- "who discovered Radium"
Discovered by Syco knows what somepne discovered
- "discovered by"
- "discovered by Curie"
Created by Syco knows the creations of someone
- "created by"
- "created by Google"
Leader of Syco knows who leads something
- "who leads"
- "who leads Apple"
- "leader of"
Owned by Syco knows who owns something
- "owned by"
- "software owned by Microsoft"
- "makes owned by Ford"
Opening Hours Syco knows the opening hours of a many things
- "opening status"
- "open"
- "opening status mc donalds in heidelberg germany"
Show VideoSyco shows videos (currently depricated)- "show video"
- "show me the video halo trailer"
- "do you know the video"
Show PictureSyco shows pictures (currently depricated)- "show me the picture"
- "find a picture of"
- "show me a pictrue of"
HistorySyco tells something about a specific year- "what happend"
- "what happend in 1992"
- "tell me about the year"
- "tell me something about the year"
RepeatSyco repeats the text (userfull with speachmodule) (currently depricated)- "repeat the following text"
- "repeat following word"
- "repeat following sentence"
oha ist ja schon eine ganze Menge